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Setting Your Heart Ablaze: Dancing With Christ

“God leaves you in that darkness for His glory: here’s a great opportunity for your spiritual progress” (St. Padre Pio).

Advent 2021: Responding to God’s Call and Growing in Community

This Advent, our leadership and writing teams are reflecting on the Visitation—Mary’s visit to St. Elizabeth while they were pregnant with Jesus and St. John the Baptist. Click here to read more.

The Silent Place

In our changed world, during a pandemic and almost post-pandemic, we may feel disassociated with the ideals once alive and on fire in our heart. During this all-too-familiar time when we wear yoga pants with dress shirts during virtual meetings, the excitement we used to feel each day may have slowly withered. Our seedlings of joy may have quietly curled up and become dormant as we await in hope for the lives we feel we left behind over one year ago.

How do we continue to stir in our hearts the excitement we have for the love of Christ, to continue to dance closely with Him even in darkness, when we feel disenchanted with our day to day? Slowly, we step away—not too far, but far enough to forget the steps and sit down, wondering when we will again move with joyful ease.

Doubt, complacency, and the loss of focus cause us to fall into a place that can be deafeningly silent without the joyful music of our dance with Christ or the light that helps us live with passion. In this quiet place, our surroundings point us so often toward materialistic ideals, resulting in negative thoughts and selfishness. Those of us who fall victim to this experience want the next best product, more success, more power, more money ... just more. We demand a return to normalcy, to a safer and more comfortable place. We compare ourselves to others and, in return, think less of the blessings we have. Judgmental behavior manifests, and we can easily forget humility as a result. Recognizing our blessings and joys can come, slowly, and happiness follows closely behind.

It’s quiet. Christ sees this and knows we need Him.

When should I begin to reflect, to open my heart to Christ for transformation after feeling quiet for so long?

Today is the perfect day to prepare, reflect, pray, and listen to your thoughts, your heart, and—most importantly—the calming and comforting voice of Christ. He is calling you by name, stretching His hand to you to dance. You are a child of God, just as Christ is. It’s time to put on a beautiful ball gown to join Him in this celebration.

It Is the Season of Advent ...

… a season when our souls and hearts become adorned with gold, magnificently brightened again by the love Christ has had for each of us since our birth. It’s a time to rejoice and revel in the beauty that is our Catholic faith, which awakens us and makes us beautiful and joyful. This beauty infects others, and this spirit of Christmas moves them to dance, too. Our faith takes the negativity and complacency in our lives and transforms it into pure joy.

Hearts catch fire again with the willingness to leave the darkened seat in the corner to take Christ’s hand out onto the dance floor. He leads us so freely into the spotlight, gloriously showing us off to all who watch. The angels and saints sing. He loves us more than we can imagine, and this season reminds us of what love means. We remember the steps of our dance yet again.

Dancing with Christ isn’t just for us, his followers and disciples, today. It goes back to the relationship He had with His own mother—His first love.

Just like His mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary, we were made for this. We were made to live as passionately as she did for Christ, even when what was going on around her seemed very dark. It was quiet, and Mary could have felt very alone. She was doubted, was called names, and faced true adversity. Through it all, she persisted. Christ danced joyously with her while warmly housed in her womb, reminding Mary of the light in the world.

“Behold, from now on all ages will call me blessed. The Mighty One has done great things for me, and holy is his name” (Luke 1:46-48).

Christ spread joy and hope, dancing with others, even before His birth. He began as early as Mary’s visit to Elizabeth, with John the Baptist in her womb: “When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the baby leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth, filled with the holy Spirit, cried out in a loud voice and said, ‘Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb’” (Luke 1:41-42).

Christ lives within us, in every moment. He knows what it means to be human, and He sees our sufferings and insecurities each day. Open up to Him, and rejoice during this time of celebration, taking hold of His hand as you prepare your heart through prayer. Prayer is the fuel for our continued dance with Christ. As He takes you by the hand, He will remind you that you are truly and genuinely beautiful and made to follow His footsteps out of the shadows and into the light. The silence will never prevail.

May the true meaning of Christmas catch fire within your heart this Advent season as you dance joyously through each day in preparation for the birth of Christ. Pray, smile, and remember that you are so very loved.

Christina Sabo is the director of enrollment and public relations for St. John Paul II Catholic High School within the Diocese of Pensacola-Tallahassee. She strives to take in every moment of the day with a joyful heart, loves spending time with her family, and enjoys the great outdoors during her free time. You can read some of her past work through The Happy Little Seed and follow her on social media or connect through LinkedIn.