3 Spiritual Tools for Your Commute

“Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path” (Psalm 119:105).


While many of us dread the commute to the office, there is tremendous value in that time spent on the highway or the train platform. This seemingly mundane time provides an opportunity to spend time with God. Here are a few options for elevating your daily commute. 


You may have heard about Catholic Twitter or Catholic Instagram circles. Did you know that Catholic podcasts are growing in popularity, too? Catholic laity are expanding their evangelization to podcasts covering a multitude of approaches to spirituality and Catholic living. These podcasts range from devotional to informational. Some are sponsored by large Catholic organizations, whereas others are recorded in basements. If you are having trouble finding your clique at work or at Church, you may find your people in a podcast. Search “Catholic” on Apple Podcasts or Google Play and start exploring! Here are a few of my favorites:

The Catholic Feminist

Claire Swinarski tackles the big topics through interviews with Catholic women who have experience or expertise in immigration, abortion, activism, rape culture, miracles, racism health care and more.


Three young lay editors (Ashley McKinless, Olga Segura and Zac Davis) from American Media provide an overview of Catholic news of the week, interview guests, and share their personal consolations and desolations.

The Catholic Hipster

Tommy Tighe and Sarah Vabulas (“Catholic Drinkie”) discuss Catholicism and hipster culture.

Catholic Stuff You Should Know

Catholic priests banter on theological topics in an effort to evangelize the laity.


How often do we say that we can’t find time to sit down with God? Our lives are packed to the brim with work, activities, family and social commitments. The time we spend commuting is ours for the taking. On the way into the office, you can express your gratitude to God and sit in his presence. On the way home, you can lift up your burdens to Him and shed the day before you see your family or your roommate.

If you have always wanted to pray the rosary, now is the time to do it! Praying the full rosary takes approximately 20 minutes. If you’re unsure how to start, the Instagram account @ManyHailMarysAtATime does a live rosary every morning. This live video is for 24 hours following recording. Press “play,” and let the mysteries wash over you. The workday may be loud, but in these quiet moments, you have time to feel His presence.

Examination of Conscience 

Your commute home from the office is the perfect time to reflect on your actions of the day and conduct an examination of conscience. This technique comes from St. Ignatius of Loyola’s Spiritual Exercises. You can conduct this exercise by becoming aware of God’s presence, reviewing the day with gratitude, paying attention to your emotions, choosing a feature of the day to pray about and looking toward tomorrow.

The Laudate smartphone app has a daily examination of conscious section. Before you start your car, quiet your mind, and review the process or start the pray-as-you-go podcast found within the app. This practice can be a great way to reset your conscience at the end of a long workday. 

Alessandra Richardson is a second-generation Cuban-American who lives in Atlanta with her husband, Christopher. She has a Ph.D. in cancer biology and works as a medical writer creating clinical trials communication pieces for physicians. She is also director of digital communications at the Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Atlanta (@sacredheartatl).


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