7 Ways to Practice Mercy in the Workplace


“So let us confidently approach the throne of grace to receive mercy and to find grace for timely help” (Hebrews 4:16).


It’s been a long time since I have worked in the traditional workplace—so long that I actually remember wearing pantyhose to work. Every morning, I would concentrate on inching the copper-colored nylon ever so carefully up my legs so that I didn’t risk an unsightly run. Add in all of the other necessary morning minutiae and a frustrating commute, and just getting to work felt like work.

Spending 40-plus hours per week at a job makes work a significant part of life. Recognizing that we are more than our job and carry hardships from home and hurts in our heart, practicing mercy in the workplace becomes an opportunity to share our compassion—and our faith—in a meaningful way.

Based on the seven corporal works of mercy, here are some practical ways that you can practice mercy in the workplace:

1. Feed the Hungry

Sharing a meal or a treat with someone is a social experience. It bonds us, encouraging us to open up, get to know each other, and understand better what someone else is going through. As a result, it makes us more compassionate.

Invite someone to lunch, pick up a treat on the way to work, or make something special to share. Calories don’t count when we are being compassionate.

2. Give Drink to the Thirsty

It seems like no matter how long we’ve been out of high school, there are still people who never seem to fit in—and I can tell you they are some of the coolest people you will ever meet. So, be inclusive. Invite someone to happy hour or coffee. It’s not just sharing commonalities that make us compassionate but understanding our differences, too.

3. Clothe the Naked

I just keep thinking about the trauma of pantyhose! But I guess that’s just it: We all have things that have scarred us, little hurts and humiliations or genuine traumas that we try to cover up with a carefully curated façade.

Instead, we can cover others with the dignity of the unconditional love of God. Accept that we don’t know what crosses our neighbor is carrying, and carry on with compassion in all circumstances. Compassion is a beautiful thing to wear.

4. Shelter the Homeless

Feeling ostracized at work or insecure about your performance or your future, is to a lesser degree, how the homeless often feel. Create a shelter from the toxicity of office gossip and cut-throat competition. When you encounter this kind of behavior, walk away, change the subject, or counter with kindness. Encourage co-workers by recognizing their efforts, strengths, and contributions. Be gentle when other people make mistakes.

5. Comfort the Sick

Pick up the slack for a sick co-worker, and do what you can to help them get caught up when they return to the office. Take them a meal. Call and ask them if there is anything urgent you can handle for them.

6. Visit the Imprisoned

We’ve all had days where work feels like a prison. Do what you can to bring positive energy into the office. Celebrate birthdays, holidays, and office milestones. Take time to smile, say “hello,” and ask about others.

7. Bury the Dead

Inevitably, when we spend so much time with others, we will say or do something offensive or hurtful, or someone will do so to us. Make amends. Bury old grudges. Accept that we are flawed, that we have our own unique strengths and weaknesses, and that most of us genuinely mean well. Forgive, and allow others the mercy of a do-over.

Our workplaces don’t have to be cold, sterile places of productivity. We are people first. Acknowledge the humanity of your neighbor by practicing mercy. Maybe it’s something we will never be able to quantify or measure on a spreadsheet, but mercy can make the workplace better. And, unlike putting on pantyhose, it’s easier than you think.

Lara C. Patangan is an inspirational author and speaker who writes about the power of mercy to change lives at larapatangan.com. Her first book, “Simple Mercies,” is available now.


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