God’s Timing: Navigating Faith, Family, and a Career in Tech

“We must be living witnesses of the beauty and grandeur of Christianity” (St. Gianna Molla).

My professional journey is nothing short of a testament to the power of trust, discernment, and taking a leap of faith. As a Catholic woman navigating the complexities of corporate America, I’ve learned how to weave my faith into my work—not as an afterthought but as a guiding principle. My story is one of trusting God’s timing, making values-based decisions, and embracing the joy that comes with fulfilling a calling.

Finding Purpose Through Reflection and Prayer

I spent 16 years at John Deere, a role that provided stability, growth, and a strong foundation for my career. Yet, reflecting on my passions and future, I felt a growing desire to align my professional expertise with my Catholic faith. “I wanted to be a Catholic product manager,” I declared to a friend when considering my next career step.

Initially, this dream seemed out of reach. Catholic organizations often operate with limited resources, making such roles scarce. Nonetheless, I shared my aspirations with my husband and a close group of friends, planting the seed of possibility.

My turning point came when a friend who was interviewing at Pushpay mentioned my unique career dream. By divine coincidence, Pushpay had just posted a role that aligned perfectly: a product manager focused on serving the Catholic market. Despite already receiving an offer from another company, I prayed for guidance, committing to a surrender novena. This practice of entrusting my plans to God led me to embrace the opportunity at Pushpay—even though it required leaving a new role after just three months. A leap of faith indeed.

Integrating Faith and Professionalism

My journey has highlighted the importance of staying true to one’s core values. For me, faith isn’t compartmentalized; it’s integrated into every aspect of life. Authenticity is a cornerstone of how I show up at work. I’ve learned that in order for my actions to be authentic and true to my core values, there has to be intentionality in my daily routine. This includes daily practices like prayer, regularly listening to content on the Hallow app, and praying novenas. These habits help me remain grounded, joyful, and able to lead with integrity.

Being a joyful Christian is central to my approach. I hope that my joy inspires curiosity. Whether it’s through a smile or my demeanor during a packed schedule, I aim to create moments where others might ask, “How do you manage to stay so positive?” – opening the door for conversations about faith.

I also feel thankful for the opportunity to work for a company that directly serves churches, which I know is a unique situation. In my time at Pushpay, I’ve played a significant role in the company’s evolution and growth in the Catholic market in particular, delivering innovative technology to help parishes and dioceses connect with their parishioners in more meaningful ways.

We have found that churches using digital tools for ministry receive four times more support for their community and mission compared to those not leveraging digital tools. I’ve had the honor of working alongside some of the largest dioceses in the nation to help define and deliver on technology needs for the future of the Church—which is an absolute honor.

Making Values-Based Career Decisions

For Catholic women navigating the business world, I’d like to emphasize the importance of aligning career choices with personal values. My guiding values are the five Fs; faith, family, financial stability, fitness, and fun. These pillars provide clarity and help me discern opportunities that allow me to be authentically myself, and they also ground me when I am feeling lost or struggling to manage it all. Having clear values gives you the freedom of knowing where to spend your time when life gets busy. 

I advise women to seek environments that value integrity, curiosity, and respect, because joyful people produce great work. Finding joy—not just fleeting happiness—in your workplace culture and relationships is a sign of alignment between your values and your vocation. Have the courage to walk away if you’re unable to show up as a joyful Christian, or say “no” when the opportunities that, despite their allure, don’t match your core values as a woman in faith.

Balancing Faith, Family, and Work

As a mother of four, I understand the delicate balance between professional ambitions and family life. My approach centers on being present in each moment and making intentional choices. I also underscore the importance of giving yourself grace. And regardless of your role or the company you’re working for, you can share your Catholic faith by being a joyful Catholic.

For those struggling to find balance, I encourage prayerful discernment and openness to change. Sometimes, balancing faith and work requires looking at your situation from a different perspective. Whether it’s making small changes or considering a new role, aligning your work environment with your faith can have a profound impact on your joy and effectiveness.

Embracing God’s Will

Reflecting on my journey, I’ve come to appreciate the humility required to surrender my plans to God. Through each career transition, I’ve learned that trusting God’s will often leads to unexpected blessings. My work at Pushpay has been both personally and professionally fulfilling, enabling me to serve the Church while advancing in my career.

For Catholic women in business, my story serves as a powerful reminder: Your faith is not a barrier to professional success; it’s a bridge. By trusting God, staying authentic, and making values-based decisions, you can lead with purpose, inspire others, and fulfill your God-given calling.

Sara Anderson is an inquisitive and energetic product leader with diverse experience in manufacturing, operations, change management, and various technology products. Today, Sara leads the Pushpay Church Management Staq products for churches and parishes. She earned her degree from Iowa State University in Materials engineering. A Society of Women Engineers (SWE) member for over ten years, Sara has transitioned her attention from engineering to product in the last 10 years. In the great state of Iowa, she and her husband raise four children ages fifteen to six along with a houseful of pets. She devotes her out-of-office hours to chasing children, keeping bees, and growing pumpkins, and other garden things. She stays active with outdoor activities and Farrell’s kickboxing.


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