Holiness in the Here and Now: St. Elizabeth of the Trinity and “This Present Paradise” Spirituality and TheologySagra Alvarado-HardyApril 15, 2021saints, holiness, vocation
Jesus, I Trust in You: Experiencing God’s Divine Mercy Spirituality and TheologyKendra McClellandApril 8, 2021Divine Mercy, mercy
First Fruits: Giving Back to God During the Workday Spirituality and TheologyMaggie PhillipsApril 6, 2021first fruits, prayer, morning offering
The “Good” of Good Friday Spirituality and TheologyMarissa Marguerite LenonApril 1, 2021Lent, suffering, redemption
Let Us Not Grow Tired: A Lesson in Veronica’s Bold Compassion Spirituality and TheologyMindy EdgingtonMarch 31, 2021Lent, Veronica, compassion, boldness
The Hope That Does Not Disappoint Spirituality and TheologyLinda A. BurrowsMarch 30, 2021Lent, I Thirst, hope, St. Peter