S1 Episode 7: Bridget Busacker, Managing Your Fertility


CWIB co-president and editor-in-chief Taryn DeLong talks with Bridget Busacker, founder of Managing Your Fertility, about:

  • The beauty of God’s design for the female body.

  • The importance of healing body and mind to live an integrated life.

  • Syncing your cycle with your work.

  • The gifts that women bring to the workplace, as women.

  • What the future of work might look like if women’s bodies were accepted and supported as they are.

Bridget Busacker is founder of Managing Your Fertility, an online, one-stop shop of fertility awareness resources for women and couples™. Bridget helps women step boldly into their womanhood by being unafraid of their cycles and bodies, embracing their reproductive health in all its glory and messiness. She’s on a mission to integrate faith and science through compassion and connection with her website, courses, podcast, writing, and speaking engagements. Bridget is married to David, and together, they have two sweet girls, where they live out the beautiful mess of NFP and marriage together every day. Connect with Bridget on Instagram @managingyourfertility or on her website, ManagingYourFertility.com.

Resources mentioned in this episode:



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S1 Episode 8: Living in the Resurrection


S1 Episode 6: CWIB Designer Lisa Johnson