Practicing Hospitality Like Elizabeth


“Mary remained with her [Elizabeth] about three months and then returned to her home” (Luke 1:36).


Advent 2021: Responding to God’s Call and Growing in Community

This Advent, our leadership and writing teams are reflecting on the Visitation—Mary’s visit to St. Elizabeth while they were pregnant with Jesus and St. John the Baptist. Click here to read more.

Over the last few weeks, my Bible study group has been reflecting on acts of hospitality. We have been using one of Blessed is She’s studies focused on the spiritual and corporal works of mercy. Slowly, the works of mercy are becoming less abstract and more tangible. Again and again, they highlight that hospitality is in the small mundane acts, not the Pinterest-prefect posts.

A Joyful Welcome

Reflecting on the Visitation, I am struck by Elizabeth’s hospitality toward Mary. Elizabeth’s cousin, who is carrying the Savior, comes to stay for an extended period of time while Elizabeth is very pregnant. I have not experienced pregnancy, but I can imagine it would have been easy for Elizabeth to feel worried and anxious about hosting and taking care of the Mother of God. Even easier would have been feelings of frustration and annoyance about having another person in her home right at the end of her pregnancy.

But the Gospel doesn’t tell us that Elizabeth had any of these feelings; instead, it tells us that she responded joyfully to Mary’s arrival. She opened herself to the Holy Spirit and welcomed the Mother of God into her home and her heart. Her greeting displays such joy and humility, knowing who Mary is and who her unborn is: “And how does this happen to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me?” (Luke 1:43). She does not sweat the small things or worry about making everything perfect while Mary is in her home. She sits and joyfully receives Mary, growing in deeper intimacy with her cousin and the Lord in the small, mundane tasks of hospitality.

In this Advent season, we can imitate Elizabeth’s hospitality with the people who unexpectedly cross our path. We can extend that joyful welcoming and receiving of Mary in the small moments in our workplace. We can be like Elizabeth, who responded with such joy in the unexpected gift of Mary’s arrival. As the year ends and the busyness of the season begins, we can look for small moments to joyfully show hospitality at work.

Practicing Joyfully Hospitality

Here are three ways to practice hospitality like St. Elizabeth in the workplace:

Give a Helping Hand

Look around to see who needs help finishing a project or end-of-year reports. Seek even simple tasks like proofreading, printing out a report, or encouraging a co-worker. 

Have Lunch With a Co-worker

Is there someone in the office who is often alone? A co-worker who is especially stressed or sad? Ask to sit with him or her in the breakroom during lunch. 

Be Present

Multitasking is often the norm, but it can take away from our ability to be present to the people around us. Intentionally be present and mindful to them, and let them know that you are focusing on them. Simply receive the people whom God puts in your path.

I pray for Elizabeth’s joy and wisdom in not sweating the little things this Advent season, and that we respond with joy in receiving the people we encounter. May those we receive this Advent experience the love of our Savior, Jesus Christ.

St. Elizabeth, pray for us!

Alexandra (Alex) Harrel resides in Irving, Texas. She is a new student affairs professional within the world of higher education. In her spare time, she loves reading, listening to podcasts, and spending time outdoors. Her favorite prayer is Hail, Holy Queen. You can follow her on Instagram at @2012alexandra.


Meditative Prayer With Mary


“Blessed Are You Who Believed”: Surrendering Our Plans to God