Sometimes, God Heals Us Through Our Business

“Without the burden of afflictions it is impossible to reach the height of grace. The gift of grace increases as the struggle increases” (St. Rose of Lima).

We often go into business because we feel called to do so. There is a gentle nudging from the Holy Spirit or a giant blinking sign where God says, “Hey, there is a work I want you to do.”

For those of you who accidentally stumbled into business (though I would suggest there are no accidents with God): Hopefully, you have stayed in that business because you have discerned that he is asking you to. Either way, once we jump onto the Doing Business train, it’s easy to become lost in the work. We focus on the doing, the tasks, and the problem-solving.

We think business is about doing business. But it isn’t.

We are all in this world running an obstacle course, and the prize is sainthood. Like everything we do, we are on a path of healing, of refinement. Marriage gives us opportunities to heal. Motherhood gives us opportunities to heal. Business gives us opportunities to heal.

God loves you so much, and he is preparing you for eternity with him. In his goodness, he gives you many mirrors to your sinfulness. Business is just a giant playground to show you ways you can grow in virtue.

If you get lost in the details of your business, you might miss the important lessons. If you focus too much on the work, you might not see how God is using it to show you the parts of you that could be healed.

Business shows us our pride and brings our lack of trust in God front and center. It reveals our worldly attachments. It is up to us to see these areas for improvement and to decide if we want to roll up our sleeves and do the uncomfortable work of healing.

You can learn to heal your heart through business. You can learn to heal your nervous system through business. You can learn to heal your relationship with the Lord through business. And, because he knows your heart so well, he knows the perfect set of life circumstances that will refine you into a saint. If you’re reading this, those circumstances probably include your business.

So, ask yourself …

How is God using my business to refine me?

How is my business leading me to grow in virtue?

How is my business revealing my worldly attachments, my lack of trust in God, or some other opportunity for growth?

I certainly cannot tell you how to use business for healing in one article—but awareness is always the first step.

You will quit or sell your business someday. Now is just a phase, a season in your life. In all the roles we take on in our life, God uses our circumstances to mold us into saints. Being in business is no different, yet we don’t always see how our work is preparing us for Heaven.

Spend some time with the Lord this week, and ask him to reveal to you how your business can help refine you, help you heal, and help you become the saint he is calling you to be.

Sterling lives in Northern Idaho and homeschools her six kiddos. She helps women build simple, holy, and profitable businesses. She teaches her clients how to rely on the Holy Spirit for business decisions and oh man, it's a much more peaceful way to run a business! Her Market Like An Evangelist workshop is very popular and is free at She also runs a life coaching membership for Catholic moms at


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