Revisiting Your New Year’s Resolutions: Draw Near to the Lord


“Who except God can give you peace? Has the world ever been able to satisfy the heart?” (St. Gerard Majella)


Turning Away

We are little more than halfway through the year. Stress, anxiety, and perhaps anticipation come to mind as 2023 draws closer. The first half of 2022 has carried the same weariness and despair of the past two years, with the ups and downs of COVID, the war in Ukraine, inflation, senseless acts of violence, and rising living costs. Whatever hope we had at the beginning of 2022 may have faded into fatigue and distrust of what the world is offering.

Our hearts may have turned away from the Messiah, the joy of the world. Maybe they feel so wounded and tired, seeing the brokenness of this world, that they have forgotten the joy and the hope that the King of Kings brings each Christmas. Perhaps they are still in the desert, wandering and searching for something that will satisfy them and doubting that the Savior will overcome death and be victorious.

Whatever New Year’s resolutions we decided on for our physical, mental, and spiritual growth and well-being may have fallen to the side. Our time, talent, and treasure may still be consumed by other voices instead of the voice of our pursuer, Christ. We may be drawing further from rather than closer to Jesus’ Sacred Heart as we try to grasp for control in a world that seems to be constantly breaking around us.

My own resolution of rest has stalled, leading to more time on the couch binging “Top Chef” than resting with the Lord. This habit has left me feeling stuck, restless, and grasping for something to feel at peace. I see it in the bad habits I have formed—following asleep to the TV, eating out instead of cooking, watching TV instead of reading, procrastinating. None satisfies my heart; none brings little joys into my life; none leads me closer to Christ.

Returning to Christ

So, I am returning to my New Year’s resolution of resting in the Lord, because I want to spend the second half of 2022 drawing closer to him. I want to experience his divine mercy. I want to trust God as Mary, our Mother, did with my own fiat. I want to treasure the ordinary with a Messiah who experienced everyday, human moments with his friends. I want to dance with my Abba, Father, with the freedom that only comes from surrendering my everything.

I do not want to live on the sidelines in fear and despair. I want to be pursued by a God who loves me so much that he fought for me. The Messiah, the Christ Child, is not wandering the desert, and he is not in the tomb. He is risen, and he is victorious. We are not alone. He sent the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, to be with us and help us until he comes again.

The world is broken. We can feel weary, despairing, and tired. But our Savior won. He is pursuing you, inviting you into his Sacred Heart, waiting for you to respond.

During this Ordinary Time, as we look to the second half of this year, renew your own spiritual New Year’s resolution, and whatever you are feeling, bring it to a God who loves you. He wants to pursue your heart, so let him pursue you with a love and peace that only he can give. We do not have to live the second half of 2022 in fear and sadness; we can live it with joy and peace, knowing that our Savior has won the battle.

Even if our heart is still restless, he can bring us rest and freedom. So, go back to your New Year’s resolution, and draw nearer to the Lord. Our Father is waiting for you; all you need to do is respond to his invitation.

Alexandra (Alex) Harrel resides in Irving, Texas. She is a new student affairs professional within the world of higher education. In her spare time, she loves reading, listening to podcasts, and spending time outdoors. Her favorite prayer is Hail, Holy Queen. You can follow her on Instagram at @2012alexandra.