5 Tips for Managing Anxiety in an Uncertain Economy

“Do not have any anxiety about the future. Leave everything in God’s hands for he will take care of you” (St. John Baptist de la Salle).

I placed the napkin gingerly on my lap and politely took a bite of my salad as I nervously glanced around the room, taking mental notes of who was who. This was my first professional dinner and networking event as a newly licensed mortgage loan officer, and I was eager to make a good first impression.

I began to feel more at ease as my colleague struck up a conversation. She had started in the business only just a few years prior, but already she had experienced the ups and downs of a volatile market. “A few years ago, deals would just fall into my lap,” she confided. She straightened in her chair with unmistakable resolve as she breathed in. “But, even in this down market, I am determined to put my best foot forward and use my creativity.”

My initial excitement at attending this special dinner became lost in a wave of reality checks as I overheard bits and pieces of similar conversations. Gone were the days of the bumper crop real estate transactions brought on by historically low interest rates. Real estate professionals are now struggling across the board. The industry is in a definitive market trough, and I was just stepping off the starting line, staring up at a steep metaphorical incline.

My situation is no exception to the rule; other industries have also felt the pinch. Rises in inflation, interest rate hikes, and rumors of layoffs and budget cuts have kept many hard-working folks up at night.

Fortunately, as Catholics, we can be bolstered by a faith that calls us to step into courage and hope for the future. The simple command of “fear not” remains a timeless message. Whether you’re just starting out or you’re a seasoned professional, here are some tips for managing anxiety during economically volatile times:

1. Prioritize Prayer

A rejuvenating self-care routine should include healthy choices like exercising, eating well, and spending time with people who are uplifting. But, above all, make prayer the focal point of your daily activities. Affirm your identity as a daughter of God, and orient all your hopes and dreams—professional and personal—within the framework of His plan.

2. Understand That the Market Will Always Have Ups and Downs

A quick look throughout history will reveal that the economy has always had its ups and downs. Whether it’s interest rates, inflation, unemployment, or the stock market, numbers fluctuate. Whatever situation may be affecting your bottom line, remember the adage “This, too, shall pass.” Focus on the long-game of your career and ambitions.

3. Focus on Best Practices

Make the best of a down market by improving your brand and making yourself more valuable to potential clients. Refine your marketing, beef up your networking skills, or take a course to increase your knowledge and skills. Use the down time to make yourself an expert in your field.

4. Offer up Your Anxieties to Draw Closer to Christ

Anxiety and stress over the future is a type of suffering. Lean in to the many instances when Our Lord suffered His own mental anguish, unite your own suffering to His, and use it as a form of prayer.

5.  Remain Hopeful, Knowing That God Is Greater Than Any Market Shift

No matter what the economy may bring, God is always with you. His love supersedes any career success or failure you may experience. His love is the firm foundation that cannot be moved.

When you realize the infinite power and wisdom that God possesses, market challenges lose their urgency and even their significance. If you continue to entrust your career ambitions to Him and focus on your long-term goals, you can experience a gratifying career, no matter what the economy may dole out.

Kimberly Lynch is a Virginia-licensed mortgage loan originator (NMLS #2444182) for GO Mortgage. As a wife and mom, she deeply understands many families’ desires (and hesitations) surrounding home ownership, and is passionate about helping others navigate the complex mortgage process.  She enjoys a strong cup of coffee in the morning, a leisurely run in the late afternoon, and a good book in the evening. Kimberly is also the fundraising chair and board member for Phoenix Project, a local domestic violence agency. She resides in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia with her husband and seven (yes, seven!) children. You can follow her on Facebook and Instagram.


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