Is Your Work a Ministry?

“Whatever you do, do from the heart, as for the Lord and not for others” (Colossians 3:23).

The word “ministry” comes from the Greek word “diakoneo,” meaning “to serve.” Most of our work has to do with service to people. And, as disciples of Christ, we are involved in ministry through work, as we are serving the Lord.

During a conversation with a friend who once worked in a church office, I suggested that working in the church may be more spiritually advantageous than working in the secular world. My friend stated it does not matter: We can view working in a church as ministry or “just” a job. It is what we make of it.

The idea of ministry is sometimes misunderstood. Many think it only includes the type of work performed by people such as priests, deacons, missionaries, or church volunteers. However, we each have vocations, and they are a ministry. The work of a stay-at-home mom who continuously cares for her family may have little meaning for some, but in God’s eyes, it is a labor of love, self-sacrifice, and prayer. As Mother Teresa (St. Teresa of Kolkata) said, “The fruit of silence is prayer; the fruit of prayer is faith; the fruit of faith is love; the fruit of love is service; the fruit of service is peace.”

Francis Fernandez-Carvajal wrote in his book “Through Wind and Waves: On Being a Spiritual Guide”:

Work is born of love, it is a manifestation of love and is directed toward love. We see the hand of God, not only in the wonders of nature, but also in our experience of work and effort. Work thus becomes prayer and thanksgiving, because we know we are placed on earth by God, that we are loved by him and made heirs to his promises. Work should be born of love, manifest love, be ordained to love. We thereby give glory to God and draw closer to him each day. And through our work we assist all mankind, our brothers and sisters.

Some may feel that secular work would prevent them from having a profound relationship with the Lord. But, as Christians, our work must lead us and others to Christ. It is a path to grow in virtue and the fruits of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23). In challenging moments at work, we acquire courage, perseverance, tenacity, unity, and self-control.

We must make the best of our work and connect it with our spiritual life. Our attitude at work can preach a sermon and bring others closer to God. This evangelization can be more powerful than words.

When Work Is Not a Ministry

In our fast-paced, productivity-driven workforce, we sometimes stop fostering fellowship with our clients and co-workers. When this happens, our work is no longer a ministry. Instead, we do it for our own interest and promotion.

God wants us to bring our best effort to work. Work that is poorly done does not reflect God’s glory or bear the fruit of the Spirit that lives within us. It cannot be considered a ministry or service for the Lord. 

How to Make Your Work a Ministry

Here are some ways you can turn your work into a ministry:

  • Offer your workday to the Lord.

  • Pray for your clients and co-workers.

  • Honor God by doing your work well.

  • Adjust to work challenges without complaint.

  • Have a pleasant demeanor, and try not to grumble when things do not go your way.

  • Be ready to assist your clients and co-workers as needed.

  • Encourage your clients and co-workers, be courteous, and treat them with kindness, dignity, and respect (Colossians 3:12-13, Ephesians 4:32).

  • Practice fellowship with your co-workers outside of work from time to time (1 Thessalonians 5:11).

  • Treat others as you want to be treated (Luke 6:31, Matthew 7:12).

It is an honor to serve as an ambassador of God in this world. Let us work for His glory and be a witness to His love and mercy!

Lord Jesus, give us the grace to lead others to You as we work. Let us be an instrument of Your love and mercy.

Rhode L. Jean-Aleger was born and raised in Haiti. She has been married to Vorbes, her college sweetheart, for the past twenty-eight years. She is the mother of three young adult children. She received a BS in nursing in 199 from City College of New York, a MS in Community Health Nursing as well as a MS in Public Health in 2001 from Hunter College, and Post-Master as a Nurse Practitioner in 2009 from New York University. A Certified Spiritual Director, she graduated from Our Lady of Divine Providence, an affiliate of Franciscan University. She is involved in the Homeless and Homebound ministry in her parish and is a retreat leader for the Haitian Community. Rhode founded the Jax Prayer Club in 2013, a community of faithful Christians striving to support and encourage each other in their walk with God. She writes daily reflections intended to make prayer and the word of God alive in others’ hearts. Learn more about the Prayer Club by visiting her website:


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