Spending Lent With Philothea

“True, living devotion, my Philothea, implies the love of God” (St. Francis de Sales).

This Lent, I’ve been reading Philothea, or an An Introduction to the Devout Life by St. Francis de Sales. Immediately upon picking it up, I was struck by its relevance to today’s world, despite being published in 1608. Its chapters cover such topics as living out a devotion to God while also living in a busy world, friendships, coping with anger and temptation, and getting the most out of attending Mass and confession. They speak to me directly in ways that other “historical” books have not.

(Of course, it does require some understanding of the length of time that has passed since its publication. For example, when speaking on virtues, St. Francis notes that “it is a good sign when the legs of one recovering from sickness begin to swell, as denoting that reviving nature is throwing out what is corrupt in the system.” Although this comparison is offered during a section on purifying imperfections and growing in virtue, I’m fairly certain that no modern physician would see edema as a good sign at any point.)

I’ve been reading one small chapter per day to ensure I can digest and take away its meaning fully–even if I sometimes want to race ahead and find advice on topics that seem especially relevant to me. Although I’m still reading it (I’ll be spending Easter with Philothea, too), I’ve gained many important takeaways from this accessible book.

Maintaining a Prayer Life as a Woman in the World

St. Francis writes to Philothea, the “lover of God,” and recognizes that women have many vocations they can live out in the world. (If you’re interested in writings addressed more to women in religious life, I recommend his writings to his close friend, St. Jane Frances de Chantal).

The first section of the book covers “Devotion Suitable to All Kinds of Vocations and Professions” and offers numerous specific meditations that the reader can do quickly throughout the day, along with an overall plan for daily prayer. My favorites were the morning and evening exercises offering specific prayers and meditations for the time of day, each day. (Most relevant to me was an exercise in the morning resolving to treat “hasty, passionate” people with “gentle, soothing words” and “[resolving] not to be irritated.” Little did St. Francis know that his words would be so useful to professionals commuting in the 21st century!)

Although he recommends spending one hour daily in mental prayer, St. Francis recognizes that the demands on a woman’s time are many, and finding one hour may prove challenging. He encourages women to consider spending that hour physically in a church, because “perhaps you could not easily insure [sic] an uninterrupted hour at home.” (Has he seen inside my house?)

Public Service (or, “How to Practice Real Poverty, While Actually Being Rich”)

While recognizing the importance of silent prayer and devotion, St. Francis recognizes that “God is more glorified by being united to our friends and neighbors.” He encourages women to assist in church activities and participate in confraternities or societies, alongside actively serving the poor in the community. He notes that “there is no one who is not liable occasionally to suffer some need or inconvenience”; there may also be times when we must be the ones to accept help from others. Service can be small acts of kindness and support for the people around us or larger acts of service at, for example, hospitals or shelters supporting people in need.

Rules for the Practice of Virtue

A significant portion of An Introduction to the Devout Life focuses on a variety of virtues. St. Francis exhorts readers to “be patient, not only under the great and heavy trials which come upon you, but also under the minor troubles and accidents of life” (which proved to be a timely reminder for me recently, when my washing machine was broken for five weeks).

In addition, he says “self-control and contempt for calumny and evil reports are more successful remedies than resentment, disputes, and revenge.” He recognizes how easy it is to be angered by life’s situations and trials but counsels us to “[call] upon God to help us” rather than giving in to anger and the behaviors it can result in. He also offers advice on remaining humble, friendship, and being gentle with ourselves.

A great struggle for me personally is coping with trials and understanding the “why” behind them. St. Francis counsels:

In all your undertakings rely wholly on god’s Providence, through which alone they can succeed; but seek steadily on your own part to cooperate with it, and then rest satisfied that if you are trusting all to God, whatever happens will be best for you, whether it seems to your own judgement good or bad.

True Devotion Described

I haven’t finished my journey with Philothea; I’m looking forward to St. Francis’ “advice to married persons” and tips on renewing devotion. But I also intend to keep and return to this book when I need inspiration or practical tips, much as I return to some parenting books. It will be an important, practical guide for years to come.

St. Francis de Sales, pray for us!

Sarah Battersby has a Bachelor's in English and a Master's in Social Work and has spent most of her career working with students and student-serving organizations. She currently works for the small consulting firm she co-owns. She loves reading, baking and discovering new things with her daughter. She lives in North Carolina with her family.


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