An Annunciation for Modern Times
“The angel Gabriel was sent from God to a town of Galilee called Nazareth, to a virgin betrothed to a man named Joseph, of the house of David, and the virgin’s name was Mary” (Luke 1:26-27).
Do Angels Still Appear to Us?
Our modern age struggles with the supernatural. We have used science to explain the mysteries of the universe, and many people have difficulty believing in things that cannot be explained. However, as Catholics, we state at every Mass that we believe in the visible and the invisible. When we recite the prayer to St. Michael, we ask him to “cast out the demons who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.” We seek intercession from the saints and for the Holy Spirit to fill the hearts of the faithful.
Does our everyday life embrace the words we pray?
We must remember that God is the same yesterday, today, and forever, so if He chose to send angels in the past, we have no reason to doubt that He sends angels today and will continue to in the future. His nature does not change, and we depend on that unwavering Truth as we walk by faith.
The Catechism (332) states that angels are spiritual beings with intelligence and will:
Angels have been present since creation and throughout the history of salvation, announcing this salvation from afar or near and serving the accomplishment of the divine plan: they closed the earthly paradise; protected Lot; saved Hagar and her child; stayed Abraham's hand; communicated the law by their ministry; led the People of God; announced births and callings; and assisted the prophets, just to cite a few examples. Finally, the angel Gabriel announced the birth of the Precursor and that of Jesus himself.
There are also thousands of stories that recount interactions that have no other explanation other than a miracle—stories of rescue, intercession, or defense from a person who did not exist. While these stories are fascinating and inspiring, encounters with God’s messengers may not always seem spectacular. Trusting that angels are among us can be a daily encouragement and source of strength.
Hearing From God
God speaks to us in many ways. He speaks to us through His Word, through the Church, through other people, and in the silence of our own heart. Often, it is a combination. It can be frustrating to discern God’s will for us. Having an angel appear to us and tell us His plan sounds easier. I’ve often heard people say, “I would be happy to do God’s will if only I knew what that was!” But I once heard a homily that gave me pause. The priest said that God has given us His will, and the question we should be asking ourselves is, “Are we already doing everything we know He has asked of us?”
The Ten Commandments are directives from God. They are His will for us. Are we serving only Him, or do we have other idols that usurp His place in our life? What about honoring our parents? Do we gossip, envy, covet, or lust? In his homily, the priest said that until we are regularly doing what God has already commanded of us, we shouldn’t necessarily expect to hear further instructions. We can also use the Beatitudes as another way to follow God’s will. They give us a detailed roadmap in making day-to-day decisions.
When we are living in a state of grace, receiving the sacraments, and praying daily, we can also find that God speaks to our heart. People who speak of hearing the Lord may intimidate or confuse us, but we are taught in Scripture and through the Church that God does speak to His people. It is more of a question of whether or not we are listening.
We know that Mary lived in a state of grace and sought the Lord. When Gabriel appeared to her at the Annunciation, she was prepared to receive God’s word.
Our Unconditional “Yes!”
How can we prepare ourselves to receive messages from Heaven today? Firstly, we must remain open to the reality that God speaks to us (Hebrews 4:12). We must be open and ready to hear Him. We can learn to recognize His voice through daily reading of Scripture, particularly the Gospels.
Secondly, we must not become jaded by doubters. Faith is believing in things we cannot see (Hebrews 11:1). Let us pray for an increase in faith that God will grow our mustard seed into a large tree of faith (Luke 13:18-19)! Finally, receiving the sacraments often ensures that we are protected from deception and open to God.
Learn from Habakkuk and practice these four steps:
Stand and watch (make ourselves available to God).
Wait to see what God will say, fully expecting Him to speak.
Write down what He says.
Be patient and wait upon the Lord. Sometimes, His timing is not ours. He will speak at the perfect time.
Once we have heard God, we must make sure our hearts are ready to say “yes” to whatever He asks of us. Mary did have a clarifying question (Luke 1:34), but her heart was ready and willing to do whatever God asked. Perhaps a reason God is not yet speaking to us is because He knows that our heart is not yet ready to say “yes” with her abandon. As we wait upon the Lord, making time for prayer and expecting Him to speak, may we also pray that He opens our heart and our mind so that we may be prepared for whatever He does in our life.
Laryn Weaver is a career chameleon with a consistent focus. Her goal for each person she encounters is to have a deep understanding of their own worth and value and an awareness of their skills and gifts. Laryn is the author of four books and spent part of her career as a motivational speaker. She regards her marriage and her four adult children who love Jesus to be her greatest accomplishments. Her latest blessings are her grandbabies!