Growing in Patience During Advent Personal DevelopmentTaryn DeLongDecember 21, 2023patience, Advent, cross, suffering
You’re Invited to Hope Spirituality and Theology, ReviewsAlexandra HarrelDecember 3, 2023book review, hope, Advent, patience, saints, Christian witness
Finding Patience and Gentleness With St. Jane Frances de Chantal LeadershipJody C. BensonAugust 12, 2023St. Jane Frances de Chantal, patience, gentleness, spiritual motherhood, leadership
Everyday Fiats During Seasons of Waiting Personal DevelopmentAlexandra HarrelDecember 20, 2022fiat, Advent, waiting, patience, trust
Valentine Chicks Leave an Easter Impression Spirituality and TheologyLilia GrundyApril 14, 2022Lent, Easter, patience, hope
Having Faith in the Slow Work of God Spirituality and TheologyVanessa CrescioFebruary 17, 2022faith, trust, waiting, patience