CWIB Book Review: “A Work in Progress” Personal Development, ReviewsTaryn DeLongApril 20, 2022Generation Z, new professionals, young adults, book review, purpose, self-worth
The Gifts of the Holy Spirit: Knowledge Spirituality and Theology, Personal DevelopmentSterling JaquithApril 19, 2022holy spirit, knowledge, gifts of the spirit, fruits of the Spirit
Valentine Chicks Leave an Easter Impression Spirituality and TheologyLilia GrundyApril 14, 2022Lent, Easter, patience, hope
Choosing the Good Fruit Spirituality and Theology, Personal DevelopmentAlexandra HarrelApril 13, 2022fruit, distractions, desires
Embracing Femininity During Lent Personal Development, Spirituality and TheologyMary Grace DostalikApril 12, 2022femininity, Mary, receptivity, trust
“Fruit of the Earth and Work of Humans Hands”: What We Bring to the Table Spirituality and TheologyVanessa CrescioApril 7, 2022Eucharist, servant leadership, sacrifice