Hope at the Foot of the Cross
“Standing by the cross of Jesus were his mother and his mother’s sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary of Magdala. When Jesus saw his mother and the disciple there whom he loved, he said to his mother, ‘Woman, behold, your son’” (John 19: 25-26).
In Lent, the Church provides us with an opportunity to turn back to God, preparing our heart to enter into the Lord’s passion with Him through prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. In this Jubilee Year 2025, the Church also reminds us how we are one through the Body of Christ and to celebrate as an “Easter people,” knowing we can find our hope through new life in Christ.
In reflecting on our own personal journeys with Jesus this Lent, we can take the example of Mary our Blessed Mother to see how our personal suffering can be united to Christ’s suffering on the Cross, while staying hopeful for the joy on the horizon.
The Foot of the Cross
On Good Friday 2,000 years ago, it was easy to think that all hope was lost. Mary, John, and a few other believers stood at the foot of the Cross as Jesus suffered and died for our sins. Mary, in particular, as the Mother of God, surely felt heartbroken watching her only son struggle to take His final breaths.
Under what cross are you sitting now, along your journey to eternal life? Maybe you are struggling at work with difficult leaders or a heavy workload, with few teammates to share the burden. Maybe your home life is challenging as you care for elderly parents, young children, or sick loved ones. Perhaps you are personally struggling through an illness or difficult situation in which you feel alone and isolated.
Take these struggles to the Cross with Mary. Imagine sitting with her, grieving this difficult situation, feeling as though you might be stuck in an impossible position, unsure of where to turn or what to do. Unite your suffering with the Lord’s, knowing that the battle has already been won.
Hope on the Horizon
Mary surely felt pain on that Friday many years ago, but she also knew that through God, all things are possible, and good would triumph over evil. Pray with her through your struggles this Lent, knowing she is with you in your pain and as you look toward the hope to come on Easter morning.
Whether you are dealing with personal, familial, or work difficulties, know that Mary has felt that sorrow with you, yet she knows the hope we have in God. Although Lent is a penitential time, the story doesn’t end on Good Friday. Our suffering is an intimate way to connect with Jesus and find hope.
As Catholic Christians, we know that pain is sanctifying. Root yourself in the hope of eternal life. We are an Easter people! No matter what challenges we face, we know the world is not our final destination. Allow this time in the desert to lead you to the joy to come in Heaven and remind you of what matters here on Earth.
Our Daily Life
How do we live out this virtue of hope in our day-to-day life and personal struggles this Lenten season—and beyond? Our daily prayer and mortifications are an opportunity to stay grounded and hopeful.
Allow your sacrifices this Lent to take you into the desert of asceticism as you learn to place your hope and trust in the Lord. Your sufferings, daily struggles, and work difficulties will seem less daunting as you unite your suffering with Jesus and see them as an opportunity to grow in holiness and virtue.
Daily sacrifice, whether it’s giving up social media, chocolate, or comparison, will allow you to offer up your pain and find joy and hope. Look toward the hope to come on Easter Sunday and allow this quiet, reflective season of Lent to point you toward the Cross, our only hope.
Marisa McDonald is a wife and mother living in Central Indiana. She has previously worked for various nonprofit spaces in fundraising, development, and strategy and is actively involved on boards within her community. A creative homemaker, Marisa is making the most of each day cherishing loved ones.