Counteracting the Demands of Productivity by Seeing the Gift of Time Personal DevelopmentJody C. BensonMay 8, 2023productivity, time management, receptivity
The 5 Steps of Active Listening LeadershipTaryn DeLongApril 25, 2023receptivity, listening, active listening, communication, empathy
Practicing Receptivity During Lent Tara WrightMarch 28, 2023receptivity, Lent, service, virtue, habits
How Laywomen Can Participate in the Eucharistic Revival Spirituality and TheologyTaryn DeLongJuly 19, 2022Eucharist, Eucharistic revival, receptivity, evangelization
Embracing Femininity During Lent Personal Development, Spirituality and TheologyMary Grace DostalikApril 12, 2022femininity, Mary, receptivity, trust